Exploring the Power of Generative Art NFTs

Rikkei Finance
Rikkei Finance
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2023


Generative art has recently surged in popularity as a powerful tool for creating NFT artwork.

The emergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been a significant phenomenon, but generative art NFTs bring a unique twist to the table. While traditional NFTs primarily revolve around various forms of digital art, generative art NFTs delve into the world of art crafted through the use of software and algorithms.

Generative art entails artists providing instructions to computers, directing them through mathematical algorithms, random processes, data inputs, or text. These instructions generate a myriad of colors, shapes, patterns, and other elements, resulting in visually captivating digital artwork. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly involved in the creative process, generating artwork from AI prompts, the generative art market continues to expand and evolve.

Generative art takes on a multitude of forms, spanning from images and music to physical pieces. Some artists dedicate themselves to working exclusively with code and software, while others merge traditional art techniques with digital tools. What distinguishes generative art is its capacity to produce truly original works that are inherently distinct and impossible to replicate. Even if artists begin with identical instructions, the end result will diverge, yielding infinite possibilities and a perpetual evolution within the field.

Generative Art NFTs are brought to life through the use of smart contracts and stored on the blockchain as NFTs. As the NFT market continues its meteoric rise, boasting reported sales of $25 billion in 2021, the adoption of alternative art forms like generative art is poised for growth.

Artists can mint generative art NFTs by embedding code within their artworks, incorporating elements such as gas prices, wallet IDs, or transaction IDs. While this adds complexity to the process of proving ownership and authenticity, NFTs provide a solution by furnishing a means to verify these vital aspects.

While the majority of NFTs have been original creations by individual artists, the emergence of AI-generated NFTs underscores the potential for artists to collaborate with machines, yielding distinctive and groundbreaking artistic endeavors.

How are generative art NFTs made?

To create generative art NFTs, one can utilize NFT art generators, specialized digital platforms designed to foster creativity. These platforms empower users to craft artwork that can be sold and utilized as NFTs, granting individuals the opportunity to explore their creative potential and possess digital assets that can be traded as cryptocurrencies.

AI plays a pivotal role in the generative art NFT market. Through AI-powered tools, users can effortlessly generate and modify art by inputting text commands. This streamlined process expedites generative art creation, enabling users to produce a higher volume of NFTs in less time.

There are two primary approaches to creating generative art NFTs. The first method involves writing code using programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, or C++. Artists can utilize these programming languages to formulate algorithms and instructions that generate unique art pieces. The second method involves harnessing AI text prompts to generate and modify art, simplifying the process and facilitating swift iterations.

Once the artwork is created, it’s essential to establish traits that define the NFT. Design variations for each trait and consider incorporating smart contracts into the NFT design. Smart contracts facilitate the creation of new NFT variations and enable customization. At this stage, one can also determine the desired quantity of NFTs to be generated.

By following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of generative art NFT platforms and technologies, artists can bring their creative visions to life and actively participate in the captivating world of generative art NFTs.

Notable generative artists and collections


Autoglyphs, introduced in 2019 by the creators of CryptoPunks, Larva Labs, are an innovative exploration of generative art. These unique artworks are generated through code on the Ethereum blockchain. To create an Autoglyph, individuals could contribute a “creation fee” of 2 ETH (approximately $35 at the time) to the designated charity 350.org. The project set a limit of 512 NFTs, after which the generator was permanently closed. Additionally, Autoglyphs have expanded into the realm of generative music.

Tyler Hobbs

Tyler Hobbs, an artist based in Austin, Texas, specializes in creating visual art using custom algorithms. His notable work includes the Fidenza collection, where he employs algorithms to generate unique and organic curves, with rarity determined by the combination of different-sized elements. Recently, he collaborated with Dandelion Wist, the co-founder of the generative art platform Archipelago, on a project called QQL. While the QQL algorithm is available for anyone to explore, only holders of the sold-out mint pass from September 28 can transform the artwork into official NFTs within the QQL collection.

Lost Poets

Lost Poets, a creation by the mysterious artist known for Sotheby’s “The Fungible” collection, introduces an NFT collectible and strategy game designed by digital artist Pak. The collection features a total of 65,536 obtainable NFTs and 1,024 Origin NFTs. For more information about the project, including its intriguing roadmap, visit the official website. Notably, each NFT within Lost Poets is not composed of modular pieces but rather generated by a unique AI designed exclusively for this project.

Matt Kane

Matt Kane, a self-taught programmer, made a name for himself in September 2020 with his Async Art creation “Right Place, Right Time,” fetching a remarkable 262 ETH (equivalent to approximately $100,800). His latest collection, Gazers, consists of 1,000 NFTs inspired by the lunar cycles, offering an evolving experience over time.

Matt DesLauriers

Matt DesLauriers, a talented artist and coder from Canada, presents his captivating long-form generative art project called Meridian. This project features an algorithm that meticulously constructs layered landscapes using countless small strokes of color, resulting in mesmerizing stratified landforms.

In conclusion, generative art NFTs have revolutionized the digital art world by offering unique and non-replicable creations. Through NFT art generators and AI-powered tools, artists can unleash their creativity and produce a higher volume of NFTs in less time. Notable artists and collections have made their mark in this space, showcasing the potential and innovation of generative art NFTs. As the market continues to grow, artists have the opportunity to explore and participate in this captivating realm of art creation.

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Rikkei Finance
Rikkei Finance

Rikkei Finance is a Web3 platform, encompassing a DeFi lending protocol and an NFT Marketplace; with a focus on NFT rentals and NFT based lending and borrowing.